Friday, September 20, 2013

GTA 5 - 1st night highlights!

So far I am enjoying this game quite a bit. There is just so much to do and I've barely even explored a small percent of the map so far. I've only done a few missions so far but I wanted to try and explore a bit to see just how big this map really is. I drove on the highway for what had to be about 30 minutes and finally gave up and just headed back towards the city haha. The game is THAT huge. The graphics are ok, nothing great, but expected for the sheer mount of objects. I've seen and drove more cars that I could shake a stick at, done all sorts of weird and wacky things and I can't wait for day 2 with this game. If you want to see something specific just let me know and I will do my best to accommodate!! PSN name: Zombiecowmeat

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dota 2 match - Crystal Maiden

I'm finally starting to get the hang of these MOBA's that everyone keeps talking about. I never really cared for league of legends due to so many angry players who hate noobs but Dota 2 so far has been a better experience. I am still pretty much a noob but I am learning I guess. One of my favorite characters so far has been crystal maiden. For this match I think I went 15 kills, 3 deaths, and 17 assists. I don't know if that's good or not, but it felt like a good score for a match for me being a new player. Feel free to give me any hints or tips I can improve upon.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot - Review

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot an upcoming Free-to-Play game from Ubisoft for the PC. Set in a medieval fantasy world you will build you castles defenses, and also attack others castles and plunder their treasures. The game consists of three classes, the archer, mage, and knight. All take on the normal roles that those classes usual take in any other game. The game has a lot of potential and I will be playing it after release, but only as a here and there type game. The game has build timers and you can only do a limited amount of tasks unless you fork over some real cash. The game does give you a challenge though as the difficulty gets rough after about level 10. Although the difficulty pretty much disappears if you buy any upgrades. All in all worth a download, and the game is still technically in open beta so things could still change a bit.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Renaissance Heroes - Gameplay Review - HD

Renaissance Heroes is an online FPS set in 16th century Renaissance Europe in an alternate history in which Leonardo da Vinci has created a machine that could change the world. The  fast paced arena,  free to play environment with an "on par" visual graphics powered by the Unreal Engine 3.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Marvel Heroes Gameplay Review - Open Beta

Today I jumped into the open beta for Marvel Heroes with some high expectations because I really like the idea behind the game. The potential for fun is relatively high. What I experienced was a bit less exciting. The heroes repeat the same few lines and the same attacks over and over and over. The lag was enormous, and not just by normal standards. I've played games with lag and haven't minded before, but this was repeated 5-10 minute lag streaks which makes the game unplayable. I was hoping to get to try out a few characters but since they only give you 2k of in-game money I was only able to get one character....deadpool. That's it. Having to buy each character is going to hurt this game in the long run. The only way to make your character look any different from the 10 other deadpools out there is to buy ( with real money) a costume. The skill tree was lacking imho. The questing equated to running aimlessly for an hour trying to find the one door to let you into the quest zone. I really hope some of this changes by launch but I highly doubt it. At least it is technically a free to play game...if you don't mind the standard characters to play. Not to mention that it recorded my gameplay in half size.....

Friday, May 10, 2013

Black Ops 2 - Popping My Blops 2 Cherry - Best Kills

It's been a long time since my Last COD game, and since this weekend is a free to play weekend I think it is time to finally pop my Blops 2 Cherry. I hope it calls me back! (/badjokesoff) Feel free to make fun of my horrible aiming and noob-tacular strategies.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Dead Space 3 - Let's Play - Chapter 2 and 3

Hey everyone! I'm going to be playing through Dead Space 3 chapter by chapter. So far it's a great game and I'm not just saying that because I was given it free by EA for Simcity's fiasco haha

Friday, April 19, 2013

Sacred Citadel - Review - Full Playthrough

Hello Hello!
I picked up Sacred Citadel thinking I was going to have a decent game to play for awhile but ended up finishing it in a couple hours... Decent game but left a lot to be desired.

Monday, April 15, 2013

600k Population city - Hamburglers Haven

I finally did it! I worked around all one million bugs but I finally hit the 600k mark. Now I will never play this game again haha Traffic was my biggest issue holding back from the 350k mark and on. Once that was solved it jumped to around 500-550k and I was stuck again. Until I messed around with the Employment details screen and tweaked my final setup to increase residents. If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

SimCity - Hospital Bug - Semi-Workaround

Hey everyone, I ran into yet another game breaking bug for SimCity. This time my hospital was destroyed by a disaster. After this disaster no ambulances or wellness vans would spawn. I deleted, fully upgraded and only 1 ambulance would spawn. Then I added another hospital and a clinic, and out of my 22 ambulances only 3 showed up. So I deleted roads and any remnants of any such hospitals and magically I at the very least got a wellness van to at least keep my city moving forward instead of spiraling down to germ hell. So if you have the simoleons keep adding and maxing out hospitals to get the extra ambulances and then burn them down and leave your main hospital standing! Its stupid....and I hope they fix this crap lol

Thursday, March 28, 2013

SimCity - Let's Play - Episode 7 - Sooo many sick people

John (Zombiecowmeat) and Josiah (...theJosiah) continue building up their cities and keep trucking on their mission to construct a spaceport. Meanwhile Thejosiah gets hit my meteors again!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Let's Play Warframe! - Episode 1 - 3

Today I delve into the depths of what is now known to be Warframe! A free game released on steam a couple of days ago. Technically I think it is in open beta but is available to all. So far I am enjoying the fast paced style and the pretty decent graphics. Check out the first few let's plays here!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

SimCity - Let's Play - Episode 5!

John (Zombiecowmeat) and Josiah (...theJosiah) continue building up their cities and keep trucking on their mission to construct a spaceport. Meanwhile Thejosiah gets hit my meteors again!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

SimCity - Let's Play - Episode 1

After a rough start, SimCity is finally playable! John and Josiah jump in and begin a new region in hopes to get their sims to space!

Battlefield 3 - Let's Play - Episode 1 - With Thejosiah

Finally getting into doing some let's play videos. We are planning on doing some battlefield 3 coop and some Sim City (once it works better haha). Take a gander and give us some feedback!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Battlefield 3 - Best noob streaks of the week! and more

Hello hello! Being an "aging" gamer means that I used to be alot better at these types of games than I currently am haha. Every now and then I get lucky and get some cool clips to mash together for your enjoyment. Take a peak and see if your a contender in the worlds best noob competition! haha

More below!

Guild Wars 2 Temple of Melandru!

I finally was able to find enough people on during the daytime hours to take on this temple! Check it out!

Counterstrike: Global Offensive...after 10+ years out of the series

Today I decided to Take a trip down memory lane and play some CS:GO which I havent played ANY counterstrike since needless to say it's been awhile lol. Brings back memories....although I don't remember dieing as much :( haha

First look at Path of Exile

Hey Everyone! This is the first couple characters I have tried out in Path of Exile by Grinding Gear Games. So far for a free game... it's a pretty sweet game! I have only tried out the Witch class and the Shadow class but both are pretty interesting to play. Check it out!

Torchlight 2 Synergies mod!

I gave the Synergies mod a try and I must say it makes the game alot more fun and ads a few more character classes to the game as well. This video demonstrates the skills of my Necromancer. Thanks for stopping by, Like and Suscribe!
Synergies mod DL:

Hey everyone. I recieved a beta key for Sim City so I thought I'd hop in and let you guys see what I was able to see.

I jump into Terraria for SuperNES! I mean PC?!

Not a bad game for being $9.99 (or less if you catch it on a Steam sale).