Thursday, March 28, 2013

SimCity - Let's Play - Episode 7 - Sooo many sick people

John (Zombiecowmeat) and Josiah (...theJosiah) continue building up their cities and keep trucking on their mission to construct a spaceport. Meanwhile Thejosiah gets hit my meteors again!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Let's Play Warframe! - Episode 1 - 3

Today I delve into the depths of what is now known to be Warframe! A free game released on steam a couple of days ago. Technically I think it is in open beta but is available to all. So far I am enjoying the fast paced style and the pretty decent graphics. Check out the first few let's plays here!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

SimCity - Let's Play - Episode 5!

John (Zombiecowmeat) and Josiah (...theJosiah) continue building up their cities and keep trucking on their mission to construct a spaceport. Meanwhile Thejosiah gets hit my meteors again!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

SimCity - Let's Play - Episode 1

After a rough start, SimCity is finally playable! John and Josiah jump in and begin a new region in hopes to get their sims to space!

Battlefield 3 - Let's Play - Episode 1 - With Thejosiah

Finally getting into doing some let's play videos. We are planning on doing some battlefield 3 coop and some Sim City (once it works better haha). Take a gander and give us some feedback!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Battlefield 3 - Best noob streaks of the week! and more

Hello hello! Being an "aging" gamer means that I used to be alot better at these types of games than I currently am haha. Every now and then I get lucky and get some cool clips to mash together for your enjoyment. Take a peak and see if your a contender in the worlds best noob competition! haha

More below!

Guild Wars 2 Temple of Melandru!

I finally was able to find enough people on during the daytime hours to take on this temple! Check it out!

Counterstrike: Global Offensive...after 10+ years out of the series

Today I decided to Take a trip down memory lane and play some CS:GO which I havent played ANY counterstrike since needless to say it's been awhile lol. Brings back memories....although I don't remember dieing as much :( haha

First look at Path of Exile

Hey Everyone! This is the first couple characters I have tried out in Path of Exile by Grinding Gear Games. So far for a free game... it's a pretty sweet game! I have only tried out the Witch class and the Shadow class but both are pretty interesting to play. Check it out!

Torchlight 2 Synergies mod!

I gave the Synergies mod a try and I must say it makes the game alot more fun and ads a few more character classes to the game as well. This video demonstrates the skills of my Necromancer. Thanks for stopping by, Like and Suscribe!
Synergies mod DL:

Hey everyone. I recieved a beta key for Sim City so I thought I'd hop in and let you guys see what I was able to see.

I jump into Terraria for SuperNES! I mean PC?!

Not a bad game for being $9.99 (or less if you catch it on a Steam sale).